Psychological Counselling in Upminster, Havering

Dean Goodchild: 01708 703054 email:

Dean Goodchild is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council  (PYL 05983) as a Practitioner Psychologist and with the British Psychological Society as a Chartered Counselling Psychologist (No. 130426).

 Doncaster Way, Upminster, Essex RM14 2PP

Tel: 01708 703054 email:

Robin-corner© All rights reserved

my Psychologist my Psychologist

Counselling in Romford and Havering

Havering's history and Robin Corner

Bedford’s Park at Havering-atte-Bower provides a wonderful and refreshing view over the Thames valley. Perhaps it was for this view, that Edward the Confessor chose to build a royal house there. Many monarchs after Edward enjoyed the same pleasures wandering through the pleasant grounds of North Havering. If you follow a path from the Royal house down to the river, you will cross the Main Road to London. London Road/ Main Road has been a main thoroughfare since people first travelled East of London. Romford grew up at the cross roads between London Road and the route from the King’s house to the river. Romford became a major market town for East London and South Essex primarily because of it’s location and it’s regal connections.

Robin Corner lies on the boundary of Hornchurch and Upminster. In days gone by, monks farmed cattle on this land. Hence, St Andrews church, (the Horn’d Church) is complete with a bovine head. The cows grazed on the water-meadows bordering the River Ingrebourne which is now known as the Ingrebourne Valley. This flooding plain was a rich and fertile area.  The monks would drive their cattle to the market at Romford and sell leather there too. Dean Goodchild endeavours to continue the tradition of this land with emotionally rich and fertile counselling at Robin Corner.

With kingly connections Havering became a privileged place to live being granted a charter of Royal Liberty in 1465. Essentially, this means that the residents did not have to pay as many taxes as those living nearby. Oh for days gone by!


Robin Corner counselling is not a free service to Havering residents but compared with other counsellors and psychologists locally the price is reasonable but we believe that the service is kingly!

 •Robin Corner